Everlyou is a lifestyle coaching company focused on connection, personal healing, expansion, health and wellness, and deeper life fulfillment.

Everlyou is a place to experience the gift that we all need but do not usually get. To feel valued and truly heard without guilt, judgment, and expectation. To have a safe space to explore the possibilities of your life and how you want to design it in new ways.
Everlyou is a personal mantra. To be "Everlyou" is to be bold, brave,
and proudly, authentically you. To reach for your deepest dreams, desires, and
adventures with excitement and without apology or guilt.
Everlyou is a personal belief that YOU have the power to design, choose, and
change your life through shifting your perceptions and actions.
More than ever, we need each other to feel connected, to allow the reflection
that we see in others to move us into a deeper connection within ourselves, and to find growth and healing. To see our limitless potential and to start
reaching for it, together.
Amanda Bresee is the owner and the Lifestyle Coach for Everlyou.

Free Coaching Consultation

All new potential coaching partnerships start here. A free 30-minute consult allows you to connect with Amanda over the phone, ask questions, and determine if Everlyou coaching is right for you.

Schedule Your Session Today

Lifestyle Coaching

With Everlyou coaching, each session is unique, confidential and organically driven by you, the client. With 12 years of coaching experience, Amanda provides specialized coaching with a focus on personal healing and expansion, health and wellness, life fulfillment, deeper happiness and balance.

Learn More About Coaching
  • Get Unparalleled Support

    "I have been working with Amanda since October of 2015. To say she changed the trajectory of my life is an understatement. I was lost in my career and knew things needed to change but didn't know where to start. From our first session, I knew the journey would be tough but also rewarding. I personally and professionally have grown leaps and bounds in the past 9 years. Amanda holds space for any and all aspects of my life. She allows me to process the hard things (that I want to ignore) and I always come out of our sessions with a refreshed view on my life.
    She looks at life's challenges as opportunities to grow and always asks the most amazing questions, allowing me to come to my own answers.  I am so grateful to have her on my team as I continue to pursue new goals in my career." ~Lisa

  • Experience Authentic Support Every Step of the Way.

    “Can I just say that Amanda Bresee is MAGNIFICENT? I had a coaching call with her this evening, and she poured into me. She filled me with grace, acceptance, and a loving reminder of my complete joy today. She is a treasure! THANK YOU!" ~Natalie

  • Let Amanda be Your Trusted Advocate

    “I’ve worked with Amanda twice so far.  For business and life coaching and healing energy work.  If you’re ready to be challenged compassionately, to look deep within yourself, uncover your hidden talents, motivations, and the reasons you may be holding yourself back, then I highly recommend letting Amanda be your trusted advocate.” ~Karen

  • Achieve Success Through Focus & Strategic Direction

    “It’s so easy to get distracted by a great idea, or an “amazing opportunity” that can pull you away from success.With Amanda’s help, I’ve been able to choose just the right opportunities to move my business forward. I’m very excited about the direction my business is going, and I love having Amanda on my team!” ~Tom

  • Identify & Release Beliefs That Hold You Back

    “I found my session with Amanda tremendously clarifying. She
    created a space for me to speak about how I was feeling, without any fear of judgment. It was particularly helpful to hear my words reflected back to me so that I could recognize and examine more closely my underlying beliefs.  I left the call feeling a new sense of possibility and freedom to create that which my heart desires!  Thank you, Amanda!” ~Cara

  • Experience Breakthroughs in Your Own Life

    “Amanda has a natural ability to make you feel safe and protected, even when sharing your most vulnerable self. I knew she was taking me places within myself that were hard to go, but she is an Angel of Light, and my trust in her has led me to amazing breakthroughs in my life. Thank you, Amanda!” ~ Jamie

  • Experience the Power of Your Own Wisdom in Action

    “Having had lots of experience, training, degrees, and certifications, I still had an overall feeling of overwhelm. I was unclear about the next step.  Amanda holds the space for me to express my heart’s desires and skillfully asks questions to help me clarify exactly what I want to offer, and what action steps I can take in this moment.” ~Mari

  • Uncover Your Beautiful Happy Authentic Self

    “She was always able to get down to the deeper things that
    kept me blocked.  I’ve been in therapy for 16 years and within a few sessions she was able to get down to the core of me.  She helped me to put the past behind me and concentrate on myself.  My TRUEself.  My authentic, beautiful self who DESERVED to be happy. I am so very thankful that I found Amanda.” ~Sharon

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